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marine survey

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Cargo, Casko and Damage surveys, including: 

Marine expert analyses
Damage surveys (Inspections and Investigations)
P & I surveys, assistance and consulting
Insurance surveys

Survey and appraisal of the general condition of the vessels (in operation, prior and after repair works, prior purchasing, chartering, insuring, On/ Off Hire surveys, etc.): 

Condition surveys, F/U surveys, etc
Pre-purchase survey
Appraisal Inspections
Insurance survey
On / Off Hire surveys
Ocassional surveys

Surveys for determination of the quantity of cargo, bunker, empty cargo spaces, etc.:

Draft survey
Ullage survey
Bunker surveys

Consulting & surveys in any cases of intervention by Port State Control (prior or/ and after PSC inspection);

Ship registration - Consulting, formalization, pre- registration surveys;

Towing survey - inspection & certificates;

Full Set of classification surveys /Initial, periodical, annual, interim, extended, special, etc./. On behalf of "PANAMA SHIPPING REGITRAR”, “INTERNATIONAL REGISTAR OF SHIPPING”, “INTERNATIOANAL NAVAL SURVEYS BUREAU” as well as other classification organizations - after appointment;

Conventional surveys of vessels:
Flag State Inspections (FSI) and similar surveys for compliance with the requirements of the Flag state administrations (acting as appointed representative for Bulgaria of foreign marine administration as well as of other administrations after authorization);

Full Set of conventional surveys for the vessel's conformity with the requirements of the existing international conventions on navigation acting as surveyors appointed on a case-by-case basis by a foreign marine administration;

Conventional surveys and issuing of all kinds of statutory certificates & associated forms under provisions of the international safety conventions: SOLAS-74 as amended, MARPOL 73/ 78, LL-66, TM-69, ILO & others acting as appointed representatives and/or surveyors and on behalf of the National Administrations of: MALTA, St. VINCENT & GRENADINES, UKRAINE, HONDURAS, PANAMA, BELIZ, CAMBODJA, UAE, LEBANON, GANA, PERU, SRI LANKA.

As Corporate Supporting Member of IIMS - practically the complete range of vessels' surveys.

Analysis and preparation for approval of ship's documentation, incl. instructions, plans, cargo-plans, etc.

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